Modding is a process
... the location hunting without GPS gimmicks.
Published on April 1, 2009 By Zyxpsilon In Everything Else

1- You need Google Earth to participate.

2- The location must belong to your own past, work, vacation... absolutely no OBVIOUS personal details.

2a- Or as stated from May additional rules ; Where do you wish to go in the future, for vacations, Historical places, Museums, Wonders... for a quick visit. Anything for any reasons. Hints & Locations unlimited.

3- To earn the right of submitting the next clue for yourself, you MUST identify the buildings_city_address (etc) of the currently unknown place to the person who linked the image. Once confirmed, you win the right for #4 below.

4- You must provide "easy or not" hints for your own. I'd highly recommend Time Zones, minimum.

5- Altitude must not exceed 1km or below 250m. (Mine is at 303 meters)

6- Don't forget to hide the coordinates from us, bottom left!

Here's the first;

I worked on the 15th floor of that skyscraper as a financial advisor from May 75 to October 77. The red arrow points to my office window.


Where is it? Street & number.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 13, 2009

This is interesting, Hm I wonder what continent it is on.

on Apr 13, 2009

North America, and there are not that many places where water & lakes are THAT abundant for Electricity potential.

on Apr 14, 2009

Any additional hints for us non-US puzzlers?

on Apr 14, 2009

The "white/blueish" stuff you see on the ground in places is traces of some late september snow falls. Thus, i doubt the Great Lakes region and southern parts get any of that soon in a year.

on Apr 14, 2009

Thanks, that eliminates one of the two regions I've been focusing on! It's somehow hard to remember how far south the US actually are....

on Apr 14, 2009

Usque ad mare... that leaves only *ONE* province, right?

on Apr 15, 2009

One more hint?

Somewhere in the wiiiiide corridor North of Quebec city!

on Apr 15, 2009

Finally got it.


Quebec and Vancouver were the remaining areas I was trying.


Le Pont d'aluminium near Shipshaw, Saguenay River, and the Shipshaw Dam (?).


Tough one, at least if you know Canada only from satellite photos and hockey world cups.

on Apr 15, 2009

Yeeeeeesss, Sir!

Built in 1950, by Alcan engineers -- these thick aluminium beams will NEVER rust. Light, solid, not as tough as steel but if you look down that river or further up North there's even a bigger Dam. Want some Hydro-Electric power? Making aluminium requires lots of Kilowatts.

Your turn.

on Apr 16, 2009


And here it is, in all it's glory.


Three hints:

- I went to school there

- You are looking at a world record building

- You are also looking across state borders (NOT country)



- The building marked by the first arrow

- The record for which it is famous

- The street of the school marked by the second arrow


Have fun!




on Apr 16, 2009

Reduced 45%Original 1044 x 959


And here it is, in all it's glory.


Three hints:

- I went to school there

- You are looking at a world record building

- You are also looking across state borders (NOT country)



- The building marked by the first arrow

- The record for which it is famous

- The street of the school marked by the second arrow


Have fun!





This one is too easy. I'm not going to say it yet because i'm busy making positively sure...but i know it. my hint...

on Apr 16, 2009

And Columbia

on Apr 16, 2009



First one is Riverside Church with the tallest spire in the United States, and the second one is Columbia University.


Correct me if I'm did you get that eye view?

on Apr 16, 2009

I could be wrong..i've been looking for the past 20 minutes trying to make certain....IDK i'll check back later...I can't seem to make Google Earth look the same as you have...

on Apr 16, 2009

Nope, that's certainly not in NY city!

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