Modding is a process
... the location hunting without GPS gimmicks.
Published on April 1, 2009 By Zyxpsilon In Everything Else

1- You need Google Earth to participate.

2- The location must belong to your own past, work, vacation... absolutely no OBVIOUS personal details.

2a- Or as stated from May additional rules ; Where do you wish to go in the future, for vacations, Historical places, Museums, Wonders... for a quick visit. Anything for any reasons. Hints & Locations unlimited.

3- To earn the right of submitting the next clue for yourself, you MUST identify the buildings_city_address (etc) of the currently unknown place to the person who linked the image. Once confirmed, you win the right for #4 below.

4- You must provide "easy or not" hints for your own. I'd highly recommend Time Zones, minimum.

5- Altitude must not exceed 1km or below 250m. (Mine is at 303 meters)

6- Don't forget to hide the coordinates from us, bottom left!

Here's the first;

I worked on the 15th floor of that skyscraper as a financial advisor from May 75 to October 77. The red arrow points to my office window.


Where is it? Street & number.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Apr 10, 2009

So, who goes next?

on Apr 10, 2009

I think it would be mistralok

on Apr 10, 2009

And, i'll bet his next "place or building" won't be in Dallas either... unless, well, that's his choice!


(PS; Scoutdog, you skipped the most important confirmation step of all... this Hunt isn't made for nothing and the Winner earns the Karma point given by whom he revealed it from.)

on Apr 11, 2009

Ooops! I though you gave the karma. Will get right on that!

on Apr 11, 2009

The very first Winner earned at least TWO in my mind... but it falls into the cycle for any of the next Hunts that the revealed gives it to who solved his/her place - and, so on. It's a chain.

on Apr 12, 2009

Wait that means scoutdog has not got one from mistralok

on Apr 12, 2009

Exactly, and once he returns to create the next hunt with his new image, he'll notice...


on Apr 12, 2009

Sorry that it has taken so long for me to get back to you. The weekends are a busy time for me.

Let's widen the scope of the game a bit, shall we?

I spent a very nice weekend here once. I had a brilliant bouillabase, then went to this cafe, where I knocked back a couple dozen Kirs.

on Apr 12, 2009

Nice mysterious harbor along with a bunch of Terra-Cotta roof tops!

Is it somewhere in the French Cote D'azur?

on Apr 12, 2009

Is it somewhere in the French Cote D'azur?

It isn't technically the Cote D'azur, but you are very close. It is indeed on the French Med coast. If you follow the coast to the south for a short distance, you will find the most striking natural feature of the area; les calanques. They are ~300 meters high there.

There is one definative clue to the name of the town in my description.

on Apr 12, 2009

1, Quai des Baux, Marseille, France?

on Apr 13, 2009

This is Cassis. 

Perfect weather, great food, blue water, and a seemingly endless supply of perfectly tanned, barebreasted French women.





on Apr 13, 2009

I'll take that as a confirmation, and you owe me a Karma point!


While on vacations with the family, i had to park the Corolla SR5 on the west side of that bridge in '91 cuz both my daughters wanted to see how far deep the fjord was!

About 35 meters down, i said. Spanning 100+ across the river waaaaayyyyy below.

This structure is the ONLY one of its kind in the Entire world on what was used to build it!

Name the bridge, the river and the Dam at the bottom.


on Apr 13, 2009

I'll take that as a confirmation, and you owe me a Karma point!

Sure, close enough. I can't give karma in the Demi site with FF. I'l have to open IE and give it to you on the GalCiv site.

This one looks interesting. It may take awhile.

on Apr 13, 2009

Thank you for the KP and the next hunt is on!

(PS; I knew it was Cassis but since you had included the city reference after the fact, i thought putting Marseille would stir the curiosity from others just for fun!)

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