Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.
Et President de MERDE sans parler de la reputation sur la scene mondiale!
Bravo Sarkozy..prefere s'occuper de Bruni au lieu de son pays
Well, all I can say is: I personally had NOTHING to do with the Freedom Fries incident.
France....let's see if I can find a picture of something French....Oh here's one
" width="375" height="500" />
Seriously, would you even try mingling with this hyper-tech interceptor?
Cockpit of the Rafale!
Even in Stealth mode?
Oh, really.
Zyxpsilon: maybe not the best example... I mean, they are so nice nobody wants to buy them
Happy birthday France, you big bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys! Just kidding.
Go Lance.
Yeah I hope he wins again.
I never understood why anyone would torture themselves onto a bicycle on such steep hills, tight rural roads and over looooong distances -- call it the marathon of wheels for a yellow t-shirt and "fame" IF you aren't caught doping to win.
Consult this, if you want some superhuman details! Total domination by Merckx, also. Bikes really got better since to cover 4000+/- Kms in a few weeks.
Is the Louvres museum still open when the Champs-Elysées boulevard gets shut down to traffic when the final stretch clocking pushes the last bunch to a photo-finish at the wire?
Never been in Paris.
I had plans, though.
Not for sale... Sukhoi, Tomcat, Ching-kuo?
However the one outstanding feature of the city that sticks in my memory was that it was full of dog shit. You literally had to keep your eyes glued to the sidewalk for fear of stepping in it. I'd expect these days they have pooper scooper laws in place and I'm sure that's it's really a very beautiful city but for me Paris will always be the city of dog shit.
One of my family members has been to Paris several times before. Said everyone has a little dog there. Probably the annoying yapping ones that you want to punt like a freaking football.
How'bout cats?
or even... a cobra wearing a hitech GI gear?
I guess everyone has a Napoleonic Syndrome