Modding is a process
Published on July 14, 2009 By Zyxpsilon In Everything Else

Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité.


Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jul 19, 2009

From holding the whole of Europe to the isolated island of Saint-Helena to a shiny graphite crypt mausoleum (unmatched in meanings or importance to ANY population)... worth recognition of a pivotal Emperor in human history. If Abe Lincoln U_N_I_T_E_D the states of America by eliminating slavery, then Napoléon defended France beyond frontiers.

Hard to deny that Bonaparte became a target for anyone else's syndrome of political control & power, though.

on Jul 22, 2009


One of my family members has been to Paris several times before. Said everyone has a little dog there. Probably the annoying yapping ones that you want to punt like a freaking football.

That's how I roll!

2 Pages1 2