There is a coordinated attempt by new members to attack StarDock.
Be careful to not fall into the silly traps.
I recommend a bunch of *Ignored* replies, that should solve it besides the normal Moderating locks.
more flametards, just like I predicted. You can call me prophet now.
Huh? You make as much sense as a 4 year old with a mouth full of marbles.
Explain yourself.
It's like I'm really on 4chan.
IMO, Stardock should close the forums so that only people that have purchased from Impulse/retail copies of Impulse games can post.
Eh, I wouldn't go that far. We've managed to get quite a few people to buy Sins after they posted on the boards asking about it. Don't think restricting the forums to accounts that have something is sending the best message
If I were you I would just get a good laugh out of pyalot and related martyr-wannabes at their expense Don't take them seriously and you can actually enjoy them making idiots out of themselves!
Shhh! If you tell them, they'll know.
These types have no idea how they appear. Personally, I find it entertaining.
However, they can be very off-putting to many people, especially new members to our community.
I wouldn't want trolls in my social club or at the local cafe or at the pub all the time . . why would I want them here?
Well, locking threads works as well. It's been long since pyalot's "Impulse DRM" thread could produce anything constructive that hasn't been hashed and re-hashed and that one can easily be locked.
The ban stick isn't the only measure of troll control
Of course it's obvious that he'd use the thread lock to support his "See I said Stardock was evil!" stance...
Ah, Freedom of Expression. I do it when it works, as it should.
The problem with cafeterias gathering is that once in awhile, a few people get mad about the vending machines. Likened to the usual Internet chat rooms or public Forums, in fact.
Trick is to find a way to sue Coke & Pepsi for stealing the cans.
Trolls simply kick the device in anger raising crowds attention in the process for nano-seconds worth of a glimpse.
Until someone comes by & dumps their empty drink of orange juice in a recycle-bin - smiling and snatching off the quarters forgotten (when everyone stops looking!) in the slot for a much bigger grin.
The problem i see here is that people that hate stardock are unwilling to see from other people views. And stardock fanboys are unwilling to look from other peoples views. I personally think that any additional software ie: Impulse, steam etc is stupid and useless i don't care if it makes patching easier thats what the hundreds of download sites are for. I don't want more crap on my computer then there already is when i install a game i ONLY want the game i don't want to go through layer upon layer of "registrations" to "make my gaming experience as fun as possible." I personally support steam a little more since they actually make good games and have a good community and its a tad easier to manage and install games. But i still don't like the fact that i have to install some crap on my computer to be able to play a game.
Quit crying!!! If you don't want Impulse, don't install it. You don't need it to play Sins.
To play multiplayer you do... which is most of the fun i get.
edit: and to buy entrenchment
edit2: and to patch even if you don;t play mp
What a baby! You don't want to keep a 20MB file on your computer that keeps your games updated, keeps them organized in one spot, is non-intrusive, allows you to install your game on ANY computer in the world without a CD, and allows you to play online multiplayer 'which is most of the fun' you get. Go cry somewhere else you big baby!