Modding is a process
Development, Contact, References, the whole design RIGHT here!
Published on January 15, 2008 By Zyxpsilon In Modding



Read post #44... the last 'status' update before release of version 06-A!!


This will be the *ONLY* thread where those interested by anything about X-Worlds will find my latest development stuff and most recent comments.

Since i feel the next version (05-D) will probably be a thorough step forward into much more features, it's time for a quick rundown over the issues at hand;

- This task is progressing smoothly and i seriously believe the whole package should provide you all with an extensive set of graphics, gameplay modifications & a huge amount of FUN.
- Promoting this mod, is obviously a good reason to use the bandwidth and you'll get what you came here for!

- So, as of today (again!)... i have decided to share the temporary "TitleBack.png' file.



If you want to comment, observe, report, ask something about any subjects, feel free to drop a post in here & i'll try to cope with the conversation(s).
And, i'll do my very best to answer your needs while maintaining this thread during the weeks & months ahead.

In the meantime, i'm working on all of that extra stuff mentioned in the zip/readme.
Which is to say or repeat -- ENJOY!

- Zyxpsilon.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 30, 2008

Version 05-F and its sister files (Movies & Planets) have been uploaded!

Better known as... "Revenge of the Minors!"


Current changes or/and adding...

1- An all new installation structure which takes into account the "Total-Conversion" principles & indirect potential(s); one of which, btw is Majoring the Minors - just for kicks!

2- Consider each of the 39 main Races along with 12 Minors (Two are brand new) finally DONE! Continued working on three more Majors and some other special groups of twelve Minors - although, this has much more to do with a randomizer_config-xmlfile_rewriter (dubbed "DraGCer") external gizmo utility i began evaluating & coding.

3- Many RAW files for XW-Planets (which in fact will also be needed for a proper TA conversion.)

4- Terrain color schemes and temporary Extremes framework for those.

5- Added a bit more contrast to some of the earlier Happy/Angry/Neutral/(Small) bik movies.

6- *ALL* the surface buildings Icons & Queries for every defaults & more...

7- Adding 26 Trade-Goods (the eleven defaults are also renamed and some are relocated), 4 Capitals (Military, Demographic, Trading, Entertainment), 3 Super-Projects for newly designed "Missions", key-transfer of default items, multiple variations in cost, effect, pre-requisite, etc.

8- Seventy-One(!) self-upgrading "Normals" such as... Race_Autopsies(36), Mega_Missiles(12), Body_Armors(11), Tanks & Grenades(6), Subs & Explosives(6). If you thought the Weapons branches were tough, long and hard -- you're in for a very big surprise.

9- An alllllmmmooosst completed Tech-Tree with a number of entirely new paths & task conditions which can be described as some Alternate Victories.

10- Other miscellaneous items in the Bonus & _RaceConfig(s) & _WhatNext folders, you'll see!


Tested, fixed, re-scanned for flaws, once, twice - even more so yesterday, again.

What Next?

A) Making this whole thing - Twilight compatible.
Dedicated XW_Terrain Coloring Schemes and possibly, other RAWS.
C) Most probably some Events & AbilityBonuses modifications.
D) Real Repair Crews, Espionage addons, Ultimate Colonizing stuff, other gameplay enhancements, etc.
E) GTeChnos; Beta status phase only or maybe, a release candidate.
F) DraGCer; another "important" utility, i guess.

X) Duh -- a few or more Ships.

But... before i leave you to playing - i'd have a strictly formal request.

Please, i really would appreciate some kind of *Feedback* from anyone.
Anything like comments, suggestions, kudos, observations. Do show me MY obvious mistakes (Substentiate your theories with solid proof, though!) or ask for "better" technology values & specific areas which YOU would enjoy being developed further.

Have fun.

(Pending delay for approval - as usual!)

- Zyxpsilon.
on Jul 04, 2008
I had every intentions to completely design a 3D modeling enviro in order to create the XW fleets & ships... but,

AF_Ronin excellent work (and his fundamental issue with USING defaults in-game valid models & parts only... an excellent thought, btw!) on his version of the Avenger convinced me that there is enough potential and features already built-in GC2 "components and structures" to at least try my hands at a general re-styling of many items, including some of the elements necessary.
That's for DA, though - as i can hardly fathom over the extensive alterations and work which would be required to re_do the predictable amount of ships. One step at a time, i'd say.

So, here is the first "attempt" of i hope many more...

The Avenger XCU (second edition but for DA only) temporarily equipped with 3 transport modules (?) and a Colony just for kicks!



Many thanks AF, you actually enforced me into fiddling with the ship-yard and provided the opportunity to finally grasp some of the tricks involved into proper creation of a good ship (attachments, hard-points calibration and what else) just by taking the initial Avenger apart (in TA) zooming, re-sizing, tilting, etc.

As a result, i suddenly realized it is not that tough. Only needs patience, and a freely_rotating_parts option ticked.

Thus, version 06-A will have at least 3 ships as hinted about in the current gameplay framework of Tasks!

Stay tuned... X-Com(s) WILL eventually go to space in slick vehicules to meet Alien cyan "Squares" & Saucers.

on Jul 04, 2008
Your welcome.

Also if you want me to still work on those ships I'll do them in DA for you. I say DA because I have found it easier to fine tune a DA ship in TA then the other way around.

Or if you just want TA that's fine too.
on Jul 05, 2008
Oh... please do!

I'd rather get genuine DA versions though, since the initial distribution will only be compatible with DA... as for TA, this would come much later on.

As soon as i get another (Basicly, Retaliator & Barracuda) from you, i wouldn't surprised if i extensively inspect it or add a few tiny bits here & there.
It has always been my intention to reproduce exact copies of the originals from X-Com images but i rapidly realized (thanks to you) it simply doesn't make sense to go through that much precision. Well, wait maybe so. I dunno.

Unless, i do get the time (or skills to control the darn Hard-Points schema) to design the entire group of primaries (S99_'s) as 3d Models both with trim & hulls & engine texturing colors for each kind; small Triangles, rectangles, cubes, hexagons, etc that could be used as a sort of puzzle processing to fine-tune any shapes & hulls & structures in GREAT leeway. Then, there is also texturing each of these which i'd prefer as highly complex variations rather than fixed *_L files!

It's just so frustrating to be limited with specific frameworks (even if those are quite alright, sometimes they aren't enough to do exactly what i wish for).

But for now, all i want is three ships (I'd consider the Avenger XCU above mostly the final type of that class - all that remains is selecting the proper components and slapping it as a common general asset.) to complete the introductory feature for version 06-A... the "other" more thorough editions including race styles & whole fleets will have to wait a little until i get some stuff done on CoSH too (namely, the 24 Minors intended and the Planetary sets for the 12 super-heroes!)

In the meantime, i give you most of the credit for the Avenger... even mine!
on Jul 10, 2008
Approval **Confirmed** on version 05-F which contains the main essential core files!
on Jul 11, 2008

How about this for the Barracuda?

Edit: Ah crud I just realized I made this one with TA
on Jul 11, 2008
You bet! Send it through the usual channels, asap so i can examine it in all its glorious details!

Looks like you "missed" the big underneath waterflow intake though - but, that's quite alright i may just need to add it into the actual finalized version.

Next stop, Retaliator?
And you certainly get the promised golden solid fat well deserved CREDIT mention straight into version 06-A which will (finally, after a lot of careful design plans & thoughts & fantastic help from you) activate the by now infamous triple set of new Tasks.

Just having to put up with the loooooong extenuating re-tiling gimmicks on a tricky Heavy-Gravity planet AND spot and then, upgrading it with Core-Brain SP (in UFOD case only!) and then, having to sortof *claim* the indirect success by building yet another specific GA building (found under the Hidden Movements tech as it happen) should be quite a ride - once done & finished.

Edit too; Bof... TA would be okay as long as i can transfer it into DA (I could with Avenger, so it may work with that one) unless you'd rather give this DA attempt a try also.
on Jul 12, 2008
already half way done with rebuilding the Barracuda on DA. I'll send you that one when complete.
on Jul 12, 2008
Ok finished the DA version with your underneath waterflow intakes.


I'll send it to you via I-Mod
on Jul 12, 2008
I can't seem to add an attachment to the I-Mod message.
on Jul 12, 2008
Heu, it worked before, it should be the same now! Was it zipped and did you browse the intended file to capture it?
on Jul 12, 2008
I just don't see the add attachment feature on the private message.
on Jul 12, 2008
Gee, you're right! I just went there within another browser tab and even, the usual blue clips don't show up in my private section listings.
I remember Stefan said their server had a flaw a few weeks ago and that may be why. Or even he's trying to update the site engine, itself.

Hope this gets fixed soon, looks like i'm gonna have to wait until I-Mod does work as it should.
Shoots, another unwanted delay - arrrrrrggggh.

Unless, we could find "another" way; i just eMailed you some "instructions", follow this all up and we can go along just fine without I-Mod transit system.
on Jul 12, 2008
Hey, AF...

have a good look at your hard work as built by the Magnetic race and hovering nearby M-Earth just waiting to go find another T'Leth & an Aquatic planet to carry troops sitting tight into the tiny module (built on the biggie waterflow intake!) right underneath the left wing. But that one has a couple of weapons attached to the smally_fishy_wingy, though! And plenty of room to spare for tough armors and two Warp_III's or less.

Barracuda XCT:


And, as usual... Many thanks #2.
on Jul 13, 2008
glad you like it.
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