I am trying to "fix" a wacky UI result created by some weird staff design choices or indirectly flawed tackling of such default files.
Looking at this snapshot..

You probably now realize what can cause bad list(s) readout proportions since the intended shadow mask effect (to the left side in particular) doesn't reproduce the HUD principle necessary as what works correctly to the right.
I've scanned through plenty of resources & what i thought could control this GUI mechanics by any special XML defines -- no luck!
There's certainly a wise set of parameters that should fix that much.. but still can't find good enough hints or real facts.
Sooooo, i'd be willing and able to just use a custom file to adapt to such a weird condition. Similar to what already exists in any of the Screen sub-folders.. as an example;

Which is 256x128 and feels to me like a possible candidate for analysis.. BUT, it might all be something else entirely that also could require further tricky XML editing.
Can anyone help me please?