Modding is a process
ID tags.
Published on July 3, 2008 By Zyxpsilon In Modding
00= Terran Alliance
12= Custom
.. (Minors)
23= Dread Lords.
26= Pirates!
.. (Other XW_Minors)

Kay, got that much for anything else except for;

As i was trying to validate the other RC.xml(s) while Majoring the Minors and vice-versa with DA defaults, i realized i had to use #29 & #30 and that may have caused the game to react strangely.

The symptom is that Brothers & Gaulois wouldn't show up in the initial Foreign Policy Tab list unless called for via the Trade screens next arrow(s).
So, my deduction is that there is somehow a "reserved" group of tag numbers which are conflicting with my newly defined slots.

(And, although i asked before for the right structure)

24= ???
25= ???
Could i use slots up to a certain limit, say #41 (heck 99, if that's all i'd care providing to the random parser!) maximum?

Jagged Knife must have a special location, too... don't they?

Thus, i'm asking again - Carielf or Kryo.
Please gimme those exact IDs and how they are processed.

on Jul 13, 2008
O-Kay... 10 days gone into oblivion and CoSH #05-B implementation just vanished in the Twilight of some predictable 24 Minors pending to be activated.

Asking Carielf straight up (or to sound more serious, Cari Begle herself) for a quick 30 seconds scan over the above while simply answering it may take, what, some 3.5 minutes off anyone's precious busy time - could help me ?

on Jul 14, 2008

There is a maximum number of 36 races in the game, therefore the possible race IDs go from 0-35 (inclusive).

The race IDs are as follows:

Major Races - There is a maximum of 13 major races and their race IDs must be between 0-12 inclusive.

0   Terran
1   Drengin
2   Altarian
3   Arcean
4   Torian
5   Yor
6   Korx
7   Drath
8   Thalan
9   Iconian
10  Korath
11  Krynn
12  Custom

Minor races that might appear at the beginning of the game:

13  Akilian
14  Carinoids
15  Scottlingas
16  Jessuins
17  Lentzlandians
18  Paulos
19  Dark Yor
20  Snathi

Special Minor Races - might appear due to random events, etc.  Apart from the Dread Lords and Pirates, these minor race IDs could probably be overwritten

21  Rebels
22  I-League
23  Dread Lords (reserved)
24  Draginol
25  Calor
26  Pirates (reserved)
27  Moralists
28  Religion
29  Monster (unused)

30-35 are unreserved.

If a race config's CivType field is set to 3, it will be added to the list of minor races and can potentially show up at the start of the game.  The CivType for Major races is 4. The Dread Lords, Pirates, and civilizations with the CivType of 5 (special) will not show up in the minor races screen.  All others should be fair game, and if they're not showing up, it's probably a bug.

I think that I have more information about modding the civ types in my modidng guide which is linked here:


on Jul 14, 2008
Many_many_many_infinitesimal number of deeply meaningful thanks to you, CariElf -- you've just made my day & weeks and possibly just slashed up to 40+c++ more hours off the designing steps necessary for the upcoming Compendium of Super-Heroes version 05-B.

And also, solved a huge problem within the already distributed X-Worlds core files as it happen!

This is the kind of precise & essential details about YOUR game that any good modder in his/her right mind would possibly cry or fight very hard for.

Back to work and multi-tasking or, as some would put it - darn simplified F_U_N.

One last thought, while not exactly trying to press another lucky button; Tiles scrambles renaming on surface(s), were you able to find the guilty memory-stack and_or address loop?

on Jul 15, 2008

One last thought, while not exactly trying to press another lucky button; Tiles scrambles renaming on surface(s), were you able to find the guilty memory-stack and_or address loop?

Um I think that CodeCritter may have found that bug before he went on vacation but I'm not sure.


on Jul 15, 2008
Great, send CodeCritter a quicky warm smily for me on his I-Phone, would you?
If that's fixed, i believe the whole design verifications for accurate detection of surface tiles as they are re-defined in the TerrainColorSchemes.xml schema(s) (I predict some more or less 23!! heightgaps for Mola3, btw just to drop in the Coastal, Volcanic, Five Extremes & gimmicky Abyss tiles, etc.. btw) is going to get that much easier & simple.

Vacations, gee... i could use some of that sweet rewarding days off, too.
Lucky him - or us, once he comes back in with a full load of fresh energy.

Through a quick Patch or even straight into v2.0, i will certainly enjoy to see that bug gone for good.
Thanks, Carielf.
on Aug 15, 2008
Well if the Dreadlords and Pirates who are triggered by events have race IDs.

What are the race IDs for:

on Aug 16, 2008
I think those use a 'common slot' spawning from either Rebels or any other after #21 except for the DreadLords & Pirates - as soon they are triggered by the corresponding mega-event.
Which may in rare cases require the engine to temporarily fill slots 30 to 35 if necessary.

I've found out that by adding more than 8 minors for X-Worlds' Revenge option, the code mixes up the 9th & 10th slots with 'incorrect' default calls which prevents these from showing in some places (foreign screens or Trade contacts). They are both there, but won't be available unless the diplomacy scan arrow is activated.

Thus, why i was asking for all the exact slot_ids and a way to address the above issue -- indirectly.