Modding is a process
in Debug.err saved files.
Published on May 2, 2008 By Zyxpsilon In Bug Reports
This may be less of a priority to SD coders but to me, it seems this check has been around for a very long time without any attempt at eliminating the continual messages. It' s just plain annoying to have this stuff in our files knowing very well that the situation is not corrected for reasons oblivion to our clip_copy_paste routines to help you out while we are posting the necessary reports.

If it is at all possible to FIX whatever causes these extra 'messages', please do what it takes.
But, of course, if it still IS that much important to track out serious bug issues - by all means, keep 'hem in.

It's just that i really haven't seen any indications THEY are essential to us; unless our setups are being borked up by anything from bad installation, some "dead-wood" coding assets and even, TRUE crashing indications.

Why bother, you may say? It's me, remember - perfectionistly bugger of a modder with structured analytic sort of a brain, ya know!

on May 02, 2008
These messages are perfectly normal. The game looks for any possible additional files and reports there aren't any. I'd say it's actually helpful - if you place a file there and it still reports 'nothing found', you know that you've done something wrong.
on May 03, 2008
Yep, i know. It just seems odd that IF all that extra info is not that much critical for us or even, SD developers... why keep the function in and flood the debug.err file(s) of many users with supplemental lines?

Now, someone might find me a bit edgy, paranoia-y or even stupidly silly about this issue. It's just that i figure having to read through tons of posts right here in these forums where people MUST copy_paste all that information for support & solutions to real problems... is everyone's scrolling browser nightmare with no actual valid premise (probably, again).
To me a single useless file **byte** on MY fast drives is wasting precious space. Call it, the long gone 80's DOS years optimal mindset & habits i'm still stuck with.

By now, i think some of the North--++ side ****.pngs(++) were, and still are certainly missing in a mysterious code mask. Bazillion of times over.

Bof, like you said -- it's Normal.