This may be less of a priority to SD coders but to me, it seems this
check has been around for a very long time without any attempt at
eliminating the continual messages. It' s just plain annoying to have
this stuff in our files knowing very well that the situation is not
corrected for reasons oblivion to our clip_copy_paste routines to help
you out while we are posting the necessary reports.
If it is at all possible to FIX whatever causes these extra 'messages', please do what it takes.
But, of course, if it still IS that much important to track out serious bug issues - by all means, keep 'hem in.
It's just that i really haven't seen any indications THEY are essential
to us; unless our setups are being borked up by anything from bad
installation, some "dead-wood" coding assets and even, TRUE crashing
Why bother, you may say? It's me, remember - perfectionistly bugger of
a modder with structured analytic sort of a brain, ya know!